My Story
Rowland Forman is a family man. He and Elaine have been married for 54 years. They have four children (one of whom died of a cot-death at five months) and seven grandchildren. Scottish by birth, he lives in Auckland, New Zealand.
In Christian ministry, Rowland has served as a Bible College principal, curriculum writer, teacher, pastor, and more recently, founder and director of BSL www.bsl.org.nz which exists to train under-resourced leaders in the Majority World.
His twin passions are teaching and mentoring, but primarily views himself as a follower of Jesus Christ and a mentor-friend.
He views books such as his most recent one—The Point of Your Thorns—as the equivalent of the puny lunch, five loaves and two small fishes, a small boy once brought to Jesus, only to watch Him multiply them over and over.

Mentoring with Questions
Mentoring with Questions is a response to the warm feedback from Resource One in Mutual Mentoring for Life Transformation. It is presented in booklet form for your pocket or purse.Mentoring by using questions is more than just a good idea. It was the way the Master Mentor, our Lord Jesus Christ shaped the thinking and lives of his disciples. He often followed one question with several others.

Mutual Mentoring for Life Transformation
Mutual Mentoring for Life Transformation is a call to approach mentoring relationships to listen and learn, rather than merely tell and teach. It is an invitation to engage in relational slowing, allowing ample time for spiritual friendships to develop.

The Leadership Baton
The demand for quality leaders constantly outstrips the supply. If you’re a pastor, team leader, staff member, or board member, you’re always challenged with a leadership shortage. But what can you do about it?More than you’ve ever imagined. The Leadership Baton equips you with a solution that’s time-proven and right at hand: church-based leadership development.
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